“The One at Cold Waters” | 8x10” | watercolor and pen on paper | 2020

K’ats’i Tl’aadi | Mount Blackburn

Traditional Name: K’ats’i Tl’aadi (Ahtna)

USGS Listed Name: Mount Blackburn

This 16,390ft peak, the fifth highest in the US, is known in English as Mt. Blackburn. It was named in 1885 after Joseph Clay Stiles Blackburn, a State and US Congressman and US Senator from Kentucky. The mountain is on the traditional lands of the Ahtna people, who have subsisted on, navigated through, and lived in the region for over 2000 years, and refer to the peak as K’ats’I Tl’aadi, meaning “the one at cold waters.”

Source: Ahtna Place Names List


Donoho Peak


K'esugi Ridge