“Hayes Haze” | 11x14” | watercolor on paper | 2021

Xasatl'aadi | Mount Hayes

Traditional Names: Xasatl'aadi, Bosotl'odi, Xosrotl'odee, Hosotl'odee

USGS Listed Name: Mount Hayes

At 13,882’, Xasatl’aadi is the highest peak in the eastern Alaska Range. It’s traditional name is significant in that it is the only mountain name that is shared between the Western Ahtna and Lower and Middle Tanana peoples. The literal translation means ‘sun (comes) up (at) headwaters.’

Mount Hayes was named as such by USGS surveyors in the late 1800s for a colleague, Willard Hayes, who came from Ohio and served with the USGS from 1889 - 1911.

Learn more about place names near the Alaska Range here.


Tuqashi (Tokosha Mountains)